Friday 7 August 2015


A Bangladeshi blogger known for his atheist views has been hacked to death by a gang armed with machetes in the capital Dhaka, police say.
Niloy Neel was attacked at his home in the city's Goran area.
He is the fourth secularist blogger to have been killed this year by suspected Islamist militants in Bangladesh.
Imran H Sarkar, head of the Bangladesh Blogger and Activist Network, told the BBC that Mr Neel had been an anti-extremist voice of reason.
"He was the voice against fundamentalism and extremism and was even a voice for minority rights - especially women's rights and the rights of indigenous people," he said.
BBC World Service South Asia editor Charles Haviland says that, like previous victims, Mr Neel was not only secular but atheist and, like two of the others, he was from a Hindu, not a Muslim, background.
All four men killed were on a list of 84 "atheist bloggers" drawn up by Islamic groups in 2013 and widely circulated.
It was originally submitted to the government with the aim of having the bloggers arrested and tried for blasphemy. The groups which wanted bloggers arrested told us they have no knowledge of who is behind the killings.
There is also a more complex backdrop to the killings. Islamic groups label all these bloggers "atheists" - and many did indeed use the internet to criticise those who believe in God.
But in fact, not all the bloggers were atheists. What they did have in common was they were part of a wider, secular movement that took to the streets in protest in 2013.
The BBC's Akbar Hossain in Dhaka says Mr Neel had filed a police report expressing fear for his life, but his complaints had not been not followed up.
Police said about six attackers had tricked their way into Mr Neel's home by saying they were looking to rent a flat.
"Two of them then took him to a room and then slaughtered him there," deputy police commissioner Muntashirul Islam said.
"His wife was in the flat but she was confined to another room."
The killing of blogger Avijit Roy in February triggered protests in Bangladesh
In May, secular blogger Ananta Bijoy Das was killed by masked men with machetes in Sylhet. He was said to have received death threats from Islamist extremists.
In March, another blogger, Washiqur Rahman, was hacked to death in Dhaka. Blogger Avijit Roy, who courted controversy by championing atheism and also tackling issues such as homosexuality, was killed in Dhaka in February.
Bangladesh is officially secular but critics say the government is indifferent to attacks on bloggers by Islamist militants.
Two people have been arrested, but no-one charged, in connection with this year's killings.

Culled from BBC

Thursday 6 August 2015


It is common for many individuals to set their minds on Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko haram and other Islamic extremists when the concept of terrorism is discussed.
It is important to note that terrorism is a lot more than the common ideology.
In definition, terrorism is the use of violence or its threat by an individual or a group to physically and psychologically intimidate a population, especially for political purposes, either to draw attention to a cause, enact a political change or gain political power.
Generally, there are 2 causes of terrorism;
ü Social and Political Injustice – People turn to terrorism when they are trying to right what they perceive as socially, politically and/or historically wrong, especially, when they have been stripped of their lands and rights.
ü The belief that violence or its threat is the most effective measure to elicit a change, or simply that violent means justify the end – Most terrorists in history have stated that they turned to violence after prolonged deliberations without positive results, because they felt they had no choice.
As stated earlier, terrorism is a lot more than Islamic extremists. There are various types of terrorism;
·        State terrorism – which is the systematic use of terror by a government to control its population. It should not be confused with state-sponsored terrorism where the state sponsors terrorist groups. State terrorism is entirely carried out by the group or individual in power, not by non-governmental organizations. It is important to note that this is the original form of terrorism, most often carried out as executions, done by every dictator in history, e.g. Sadam Hussein of Iraq, Sani Abacha of Nigeria.
·        Religious terrorism – motivated by religious ideologies and grievances. It is extremely dangerous due to the fanaticism of those who practice it and their willingness to die for the cause. Religious terrorist tend to use the “all in” tactics, especially suicide bombings. This happens because of teachings that justify and even encourage such self-sacrifice.

·        Right wing terrorism – carried out by a minority group in order to maintain traditional social order. It is often fueled by racism and facilitated by gangs and militias.
·        Left wing terrorism – which are aimed at overthrowing already established governments and start off communists governments in their place.
·        Pathological terrorist – a baseless act without any motivation. The terrorists most often act alone rather than in group e.g. random shootings or bombing of public places
·        Issue-oriented terrorism – usually aimed at advancing specific issues especially nature or environmental oriented issues.
·        Separatist terrorism – activities of a minority group within the state, aimed at gaining autonomy.
·        Narco-terrorism – carried out mainly by dealers of narcotics, aimed at making drug distribution easier.
·        Cyber-terrorism – the use of the internet to cause havoc e.g. hackers.
There are possible remedies for terrorism, but due to its complexity, the methods of battling terrorism are somewhat specific;
Ø For religious terrorism, it is paramount to coordinate with religious leaders, desist from treating all members of a religion as terrorists, and advocate for better cooperation among religions.
Ø In an attempt to curb separatist terrorism, there must be a total inclusive political process, where every group, majority and minority, feel involved in the process.
Ø Efficient and regular policing is advantageous in the control of both Narco- and right wing terrorism.
Ø Skillful elimination of the leaders and members of terrorist groups is a good approach for combating terrorism.
Ø Disruption of terrorist funding is key.
Ø Finally, facilitating the exit of low-level terrorists from their networks and easing their peaceful reintegration back into the society is an important step for ending terrorism.
We want to leave in a peaceful community. Let us, therefore, fight terrorism with everything we’ve got.

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