Saturday 18 October 2014

SHOCKING: Barack Obama's Credit Card 'Declined'

The president of the United States of America had his credit card declined at a restaurant in New York City last month. "It turned out I guess I don't use it enough", Mr Obama said. "They thought there was some fraud going on".
The First Lady Michelle Obama saved the day. Lucky enough, she had a credit card on hand and paid for the meal.
Mr  Obama revealed this at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as he announced new protections for debit cards used to deliver Federal benefits.
"I was trying to explain to the waitress, you know, I really think that I've been paying my bills", Mr Obama said.
The US president is paid $400,000 per year, as well as given a non-taxable $50,000 expense account.

Friday 17 October 2014

Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release'

Nigeria's military says it has agreed a ceasefire with Islamist militants Boko Haram - and that the schoolgirls the group has abducted will be released.

Nigeria's chief of defence staff, Alex Badeh, announced the truce. Boko Haram has not made a public statement.

The group has been fighting an insurgency since 2009, with some 2,000 civilians reportedly killed this year.

Boko Haram sparked global outrage six months ago by abducting more than 200 schoolgirls.

The girls were seized in the north-eastern town of Chibok in Borno state, and their continued captivity has led to criticism of the Nigerian government's efforts to secure their release.

Members of the Bring Back Our Girls campaign said in a tweet on Friday: "We are monitoring the news with huge expectations."

Air Chief Marshal Badeh revealed the truce at the close of a three-day security meeting between Nigeria and Cameroon. He said Nigerian soldiers would comply with the agreement.

Nigeria's chief of defence staff, Alex Badeh, announces the truce to the media
Nigerian presidential aide Hassan Tukur told BBC Focus on Africa that the agreement was sealed after a month of negotiations, mediated by Chad.

As part of the talks, a government delegation twice met representatives of the Islamist group.

Mr Tukur said Boko Haram had announced a unilateral ceasefire on Thursday and the government had responded.

"They've assured us they have the girls and they will release them," he said.

"I am cautiously optimistic."

He said arrangements for their release would be finalised at another meeting next week in Chad's capital, Ndjamena.

The negotiations are said to have the blessing of Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau, reports the BBC's Chris Ewokor in Abuja.

Boko Haram means "Western education is forbidden" in Hausa
Speaking to the BBC, Nigerian government spokesman Mike Omeri said Boko Haram would not be given territory under the ceasefire agreement - and that the government would not reveal what concessions it would make.

"We are inching closer to release of all groups in captivity, including the Chibok girls," he said.

Analysis: Will Ross, BBC News, Lagos

Nigerian officials had not given any indication that negotiations with Boko Haram were taking place. Even though there had been rumours of talks in neighbouring Chad, this is a very surprising development.

Many Nigerians are extremely sceptical about the announcement especially as there has been no definitive word from the jihadists.

The military has in the past released statements about the conflict in north-east Nigeria that have turned out to be completely at odds with the situation on the ground.

So many here will only celebrate when the violence stops and the hostages are free.

BBC news

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Oscar Pistorius trial: Prosecution to set out jail call

Oscar Pistorius arrives at court for the third day of the hearing, 15 Oct

Prosecutors are set to begin outlining their case for South African athlete Oscar Pistorius to serve a jail term for killing girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
The defence says a custodial term is inappropriate. Its final witness at the sentencing hearing has concluded.
Pistorius was found guilty of the culpable homicide of Ms Steenkamp last month - but was cleared of murder.
Meanwhile the family of Reeva Steenkamp released a new statement saying they wanted no money from Pistorius.
The sentencing hearing is expected to last several days.Prosecutor Gerrie Nel said before the recess for lunch on Wednesday that he would call three or four witnesses.
Wednesday's hearing began with Mr Nel continuing to cross-examine social worker Annette Vergeer.
The defence witness on Tuesday said that Pistorius should be placed under house arrest rather than sent to prison, because he would be "a lot more vulnerable than the normal man" in jail.
Mr Nel said her opinion of a sentence of house arrest plus community service was "shockingly inappropriate" and "cannot be considered".
He said a suggestion of correctional duties working with underprivileged children would not take Pistorius out of his "comfort zone".
Ms Vergeer said there had been other cases of culpable homicide where the opinions she had put forward had been implemented.
Meanwhile, the family of Reeva Steenkamp issued a new statement on Wednesday, via their lawyer Dup de Bruyn, following revelations in court on Tuesday that Pistorius had made them monthly payments.
It had been revealed that the Steenkamps accepted monthly payments of 6,000 rand (£340; $540) from March 2013 to September 2014.
A statement issued by Mr de Bruyn said: "After Ms Steenkamp was killed... the parents were in financial difficulties.
"We were contacted soon afterwards by Mr Pistorius' lawyers with an offer that Mr Pistorius would contribute an amount... towards the parents' rental and living expenses."
The statement said Mr de Bruyn had also approached the Pistorius legal team over a possible civil settlement and was made an offer of $34,000.
"When the parents were made aware of this offer, they considered it carefully but decided, for various reasons, that they did not want any payment from Mr Pistorius," the statement said.
"This is also why we were instructed to advise that no civil claim would be instituted."
Any money received from Mr Pistorius would be paid back, it said.
The statement said the Steenkamps were surprised the payments had come out in court as it was the athlete who had asked for them to remain secret.
The Paralympic sprinter denied murdering Ms Steenkamp after a row on Valentine's Day last year, saying he shot her by mistake.
He faces up to 15 years in jail after being found guilty of culpable homicide, although the judge may suspend the sentence or impose a fine.
Ms Steenkamp, a 29-year-old model and law graduate, was hit three times by bullets shot through a toilet door by Pistorius at his home in the capital, Pretoria.

BBC News

Man Locked Up By His Corrupt Boss


For a while now, China has been running a very public anti-corruption drive - but it's not just crooked officials who have ended up behind bars. One whistle-blower found himself in prison when he exposed his boss.
Guangshan, the town where Sheng Xingyuan has spent his life, lies in the heart of China's central Henan province. Local corruption is a serious problem across China, but Henan is renowned for dirty, insider politics that benefit a select few.
He worked as a local Communist Party official in one of the town's family planning offices but after he caught his boss stealing government money, Sheng became a thorn in the state's side. 
He reported his boss, who ended up paying a small fine. Sheng faced a much harsher punishment - two years in prison.
"My colleagues took revenge on me," he explains, shaking with anger.
Sheng was convicted of "disturbing the social order". He was released after his case was reviewed by an appeals court.
That time in prison had a lasting effect. Sheng is a nervous man, still adjusting to normal life in the small room where he lives with his wife. The couple live next door to their son on the edge of Guangshan.
Sheng is obsessed with clearing his name. On a dusty laptop, he plays a secret video he recorded a few months ago, when the local party chief admitted Sheng had been framed.
"A team of prosecutors from the police and the courts were organised to fight you," the chief says on video.
"When he started talking about what really happened, I felt relieved. At least he told me the truth," Sheng says. "One day, I'll vindicate myself. I feel certain of that."
"Lots of people have been punished here for reporting corruption, like me. But if corruption isn't eliminated, no one can have peace."
China's President Xi Jinping seems to agree. Two years ago, at a Communist Party meeting, he unveiled a wide-reaching campaign to clean up the government. Many of his efforts are focused on Henan. Home to 94 million people, it's one of the biggest provinces in China. Frequent corruption scandals keep it constantly in the news.
In an attempt to unravel Henan's webs of corruption, the central government has opened more anti-corruption offices here than anywhere else.

Culled from BBC News

Ebola Outbreak In The US

The Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital on 14 October 2014 in Dallas, Texas.

A second health worker in the US state of Texas has tested positive for Ebola, health officials say.
A 26-year-old female nurse is already receiving treatment after becoming infected by a Liberian man who died from the deadly virus last week.
Meanwhile, the UN's Ebola mission chief says the world is falling behind in the race to contain the virus.
The World Health Organization (WHO) says 4,447 people have died from the outbreak, mainly in West Africa.
Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea have been hardest hit by the outbreak, which began in December 2013 but was confirmed in March.
From BBC News

Shit happens and They Are Meant to Happen

A lot of things happen to us that we sometimes cannot explain. Nevertheless, we always have to get to the end and see for ourselves that there is always a lesson to learn from the troubles we experience. See the story below:

We have all had them, one of those days when everything goes wrong. It happened to me one Friday.
I had an important meeting at 10.00 a.m. and, frankly, did not sleep well the previous night. My mind was swirling round and round with all the potential outcomes of that meeting. So I did not hear my alarm go off, woke late with a start, jumped out of bed, lurched into the bathroom, had my shower only to realize there were no towels. I ran naked and swearing through the house to find a clean towel, leaving a trail of wet footprints behind me.
The dog had been sick on the stairs; I had to clean that up, then clear out the cat's stinky litter tray (hate that job!), make the bed, walk the dog, throw the washing in the machine, - no time for breakfast, not even a coffee, and finally jump into the car. Hardly any petrol left! I limped lamely to the nearest garage to fill up with petrol. I would phone my client and explain that I would be a little late - traffic hold-up!
As I stretched my legs out of the car, to my horror, I found that I had forgotten to put on any knickers. 'OMG'. Mortified! Could anything else go wrong? Ooh yes, it could. In my haste to get out of the house, I had left my phone behind. Ah, ask the man behind the counter if I could use his phone. Go to pay for petrol, only to be told I am paying for diesel. No, I cried. It's petrol. Ma'am, you put diesel in your car, the man said. I shouted, I swore, exasperation, fury, stress. The man's face remained expressionless. What to do? And I certainly could not ask him to use his phone now. I returned to my car. What else could I have done? Tucking my skirt carefully around my knees, I gingerly started the engine. All well so far; I drove very, very slowly to my office where undoubtedly my client would be waiting. He was an unforgiving soul, and had frequently assured me, among others, that he was never late, and would never countenance anyone else being late for a meeting.
I pulled into the car park and rummaged in my handbag for a comb. No comb! So here I was, no knickers, no phone and no comb. Full of self-confidence (not) I stretched my legs and started to rise up out of the car, only to find I had caught my skirt on the gear knob. Miss no-knickers squealed. The security guard looked askance at me, raising a quizzical eyebrow and, tugging at my skirt, I somehow managed to redeem just sufficient dignity to get out of the car without further mishap. Tottering across the car park in too high heels, I did my level best to restore my hair, my skirt, my dignity, and get my breathe back.
Finally I lurched into the meeting room where my client was waiting. Apologies dripped ingratiatingly from my lips and my client, stony-faced, looked pointedly at his watch.
It is now 10.45, he said. Our meeting was booked for 10.00.
I know. I am so, so sorry, I gasped, still out of breathe. It's just - well, everything went wrong.
He picked up his brief-case, which he had already packed, and walked out. Not another word! I swear that is the truth. I sat down and cried. No knickers, no phone, no comb and a car which was probably just about written off, and all my own fault.
I hated my job. How dare any man treat me like this. Well, I would resign before I got fired, that was for sure.
I returned to my own desk, quickly wrote a letter of resignation and cleared my things. Five years in an office and all the personal stuff I had there was contained in just two drawers, just about enough to fill a carrier bag. That was all I had there for five years of hard and stressful labor.
Getting into my car, I limped along to another garage where a kind mechanic said that the diesel, as it was mixed with petrol, would not do much harm and all I had to do was top up with more petrol. Big sigh of relief from me!
On the way home I felt as light as air. I had resigned from my job and I was SO happy. I formulated my ideas of what I would do: I had always had, very much part-time and half-hearted, a multi-level marketing business. I would take that up full-time now, make a thing of it. I was HAPPY.
Now, five years later, my MLM business is thriving. I wake up each morning looking forward to the day ahead. I have learned so much, made many new friends across continents, I have traveled, and continue to do so. AND I have a substantial income (far more than I was earning) which will stay with me for life (pension, thank you) and I can pass it on to my children. I work from home, in my own hours, when I want to. I am my own boss, no more nasty clients to kowtow to. But the reality is that I WANT TO WORK at what I do every day. You see, I am helping people achieve their aspirations and I love it.
Very well then, the good book says everything works together for good... Believe!!!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Straightforward Weight-Loss Ideas

There are numerous concerns that needs to be resolved when you want to obtain the best of weight-loss details. Below are some straightforward techniques for taking advantage of your own weight reduction journey.
When you are looking to cut out evening treats that will help you shed weight, attempt cleaning your the teeth just following evening meal. In this way, you'll have a reminder not to consume following that meal. Your fresh thoroughly clean mouth can help motivate you to think of the brand new healthier body you're establishing with these good behavior.
Ingesting chunkier soups is effective when trying to lose weight. Drinking energy is not a good idea. To complete when eating soups, have a broth which contains beans and big items of fruit and vegetables rather than product soups.
A concern that frequently impedes a weight loss journey is definitely the urge to snack food. It is essential to map out your snack food items - such as you would pre-plan your foods - to be able to steer clear of bad food items while you are eager. If you have packed items that will satisfy your calorie intake, aim much simpler during the day.
Some advice that can help you slim down is to eat right before one does your shopping for groceries. A very frequent blunder individuals make is when they actually do all their grocery shopping when they're feeling hungry. They get overzealous and end up receiving more food compared to what they normally will have.
Weight loss works more for people when they really know what is best for them. If you're a young riser, attempt environment your security alarm a bit previously and hitting the gym. People who appreciate nighttime can exercise within the afterwards several hours. In the event you dislike getting up, you will not wake up previous.
Make sure you locate an exercising friend! In case you have a colleague along, you are going to feel as if you might be mingling as an alternative to shedding weight. Close friends are an excellent source of ideas if you want it you are able to give the other person support. It might just be enough to help you be look forward to the time you get to invest training together, which can help you lose fat more quickly.
A valuable idea for weight loss and balanced and healthy diet is to retail outlet the outside in the grocery store. Generally, the edges of the supermarket have unprocessed generate and also other basic principles, such as milk products and meat. One exception to this rule could be, should you be looking for loaves of bread, which frequently is located in the center of the shop.
When you are eating dinner out with good friends or family, make conversation a significant part of your dinner. You will be able to break down your dish that you are having as well as perhaps eat less. Have a great dinner dialogue as a way to take in a lot less meals.
Boredom can bring about unnecessary eating and putting on weight. Keep on your own active with items that have absolutely nothing concerning foods. Determine if you can find any nearby routines close to you that you are looking at. It can be another as well as if you realise a training course which you get pleasure from. You can expect to prevent consuming on account of your are bored stiff and you may get yourself a exercise.
To appear your greatest and maintain your excess fat loss, be sure to increase the volume of healthy proteins intake you get. Before you go to a health club, follow a healthy proteins bar or have a proteins shake, which will help to convert unwanted fat in your body to muscle mass right after your exercise routine.
If you want to lose fat, reduce your food into smaller portions. This simple method allows you to slow down the food intake and yes it techniques your system into thinking you are eating more. Research has shown that men and women considered loads of sliced up vegetables and various meats were 27 percentage greater than as soon as the identical example of foods was in one particular part.
Using the recommendations above you will recognize that dwelling a far healthier, and skinnier, daily life will be much easier than you envisioned. Every person's trip to a healthier lifestyle is exclusive, however, these ideas are common. When you retain the ideas at heart, you will notice how profitable simplicity can be.
Get into shape now!!!

Shed Unwelcome Pounds And Entire Body Excess Fat Promptly!

One common ingredient: capsaicin. It's the compound that gives the spicy kick to hot red peppers, and it can also kick your metabolism into a higher gear. One researcher, Dr. Toshio Moritani (PhD) of Japan's Kyoto University, says that the amount of capsaicin needed to achieve elevated calorie-burning can actually be consumed through healthy diets.
You have to eat well. That is to say, eat properly! Many mistake "eating well" with over-indulging, but neglect nutrition as the goal of eating. Take pleasure in your meals, but take care of your body's need for nutrients. Also avoid diets that neglect balanced nutrition - which rules out junk.
Speaking of free Diet Plans, this was the program that I was most concerned about. I sometimes have a hard time sticking to any kind of food limitations because of the lack of variety. I mean, there's only so much grapefruit, yogurt and so on I am able to eat before I start craving hamburgers, pizza, and chocolate cake etc! So the main thing I am searching for in any free diet plan is a large range of healthy, delicious foods that will allow me to enjoy my meals instead of fear them.
So what exactly can this excellent diet plan do for you? To begin with, you will be participating in a weight loss, healthy lifestyle plan that people have been using successfully since 1980. Thousands of people have been helped and you can be sure that you can successfully use this plan, too.
Eat a balanced diet. The Best Diet Plans For Women will always start with the fundamental principles of healthy eating, and that is, a well-rounded or balanced diet. A good healthy diet would usually consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, lean sources of protein and healthy natural fats.
The very first and vital step is keeping your metabolism at peak levels for this you must always restrict your body from going in comfort zone. If you are going to puzzle your body with nutrition and timing then you would certainly skyrocketing your metabolism to high levels. The peak metabolic rate means your body is going to burn tons of fat out of your body in effective and efficient way. You can achieve this task by assuming a shifting calorie method program. There are several compatible programs available in the market.
You should avoid any such distraction by focusing on what is healthy or unhealthy. The total calorie intake is what that affects your fitness regime, and it hardly matters what is the source of these calories, as long as they remain within healthy limits (ask your doctor). No fitness program can ever provide results if you consume lots of calories.
Stay fit! Stay healthy!! Stay alive!!!

Monday 13 October 2014

Managing Your Long Distance Relationship

Couples dream of living closely to each partner to able to do things together like eating together at the same table, taking a walk together, holding each other's hand etc. The lack of these experiences are the perils of long distance relationships. Long distance relationship may be difficult, complicated and to many, something that will never work out.
The fact is no couple can be in a long distance relationship forever and definitely have the liberty of settling down. Long distance relationship has prospect of potentially collapsing, but it doesn't mean they're impossible. Adjusting your attitude and lifestyle can help you keep your partner in your life.
First and foremost you need to build trust: As long you both are interested in keeping the relationship, do not let the distance you share make any difference. You being in long distance relationship doesn't mean your social life has to come to an end. You must not interrogate your partner anytime he/she hang out with friends or miss your call. Be calm and not anxious or jealous if you don't always know what your partner is up to. Try to maintain your social activities and be enthuse with yourselves.
Secondly communication is a key factor in sustaining long distance relationship: It is important to create and preserve the emotional connection. Discuss about your achievement and misfortunes, ask for your partner's opinion. You can use chats or webcams and other programs for pictorial connection. You can also write love letters and send gifts which are tangible.
Thirdly, you have to support each other: Since you are not in a short distance relationship, it is vital to be there for your partner when he /she is in trouble. Be there physically when you are needed because most often your presence with a partner through his /her difficult times gives the assurance that the love you have for each other is still alive and kicking.
Furthermore, you have to talk about your goal and expectation of the relationship: It is important that you both have the same goal and expectation. Questions like how long you plan on being apart? What the future holds for you two? What you want to achieve at the end of the day. Both of you need to be clear with what your expectations are with each other. In the middle of this long distance relationship make plans and set rules so that none of you will do things that will take your partner by surprise or disappointment. This will give you an insight about your relationship whether you are working towards a future that includes both of you.
In a long distance relationship you have to prioritize the time you share: Remember you don't get to see yourselves often and when you are fortunate to see each other take as much advantage as possible to be intimate with each other. This is an opportunity for you to keep the feelings of attraction and excitement alive.
Lastly, focus on the positive aspect of a long distance relationship: To keep the fire burning, use this occasion to pursue your interest, hobbies and career. Also see it as a temporary state and the happiness and security you feel can be conveyed to your partner too. You have to see the distance between you as an opportunity to learn from. There is an unknown view that living apart is a test of your love for each other and if you want to live together, you have to be apart for a period.
You deserve to be happy!!! Take it

Ebola Plague In The Western World

The World Health Organization has called the current 2014 West African Ebola epidemic an international health emergency situation as authorities are alarmed about the outbreak moving more rapidly than it can be feasibly contained, and how to manage the exposure to the worst Ebola disease outbreak in history where about 2,500 people have succumbed to the virus.
The onset of Ebola virus or haemorrhagic fever happened primarily in Central and West Africa. Ebola can spread out from country to country when people travel. So it is possible for it to reach the United States and other western nations if an infected person travels there.
Just what is Ebola Virus or Hemorrhagic Fever?
Ebola is an unusual however deadly virus that spreads out within the body causing massive and unmanageable bleeding internally of and outside the body due to the concentration of blood-clotting cells within the blood dropping. The Ebola infection can be lethal to as many as 90% of contaminated individuals.
How do you get contaminated with Ebola?
Ebola isn't really as infectious as even more typical viruses like common cold or influenza. The very first outbreak of the illness in a human is when they come into contact with a contaminated animal such as a monkey, chimp, or fruit bat and it moves from person to person the same way a pandemic widens. Individuals are exposed to the lethal Ebola virus or haemorrhagic fever from direct contact with the blood, secretions or body fluids of an infected individual. The condition typically spreads out through families and friends taking care of a sick person, by coming into close contact with feeding or touching them. People can likewise be exposed to the Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever infection by touching polluted surface areas or needles.
What are the signs of Ebola?
Contact with the disease and the start of signs varies from 2 to 21 days. In its early stages an individual contaminated with the Ebola virus have warning signs similar to a cold or the flu. Symptoms are usually high fever, headache, inflamed throat, muscle and joint aches. As the illness becomes worse, it triggers uncontrolled bleeding within the internal body organs, in addition to from the eyes, ears, and nose. Typically people will most likely throw up or cough up blood. These extreme signs are often followed by severe chest pain, shock and death.
How Is the Ebola Virus detected?
Occasionally it's tough for doctors to detect if a person has Ebola just from the presenting signs. Physicians may test to get rid of other conditions such as malaria or cholera, and may also do blood and tissue sample testing. If you are contaminated with the Ebola virus, you will certainly be isolated in a hospital right away, to avoid infection of the public with this lethal Ebola hemorrhagic virus, enabling those not contaminated to have the best likelihood to survive a life-threatening disaster in exposed urban areas.
How is the Ebola Virus treated?
There is no specific treatment for the illness. A contaminated person will receive nursing treatment such as maintaining their fluid intake, oxygen levels and blood pressure, and treating any complications of the infection. The condition can be lethal within ten days of the beginning of symptoms of the disease.
How is the further spread of Ebola stopped?
The prevention of the deadly spread of the Ebola hemorrhagic fever involves isolating the person and afterwards 'barrier' nursing them; with doctors and nurses wearing safety masks, gloves, surgical gowns, and safety glasses. The objective of these precautions is to prevent clinical staff from coming into direct contact with the blood, body fluids and secretions of patients with the likely lethal disease.


Few Nigerians have made the Forbes list of richest people in the world,  reason been that Forbes estimates the wealth of individuals ranking them based on the value of shares they have acquired in companies listed on the stock exchange (quoted companies).

The few Nigerians that have been listed are Aliko Dangote, Mike Adenuga and Femi Otedola.
The ratings of top 21 Richest Nigerian billionaires have been based on; the value of their shares held in quoted companies, the size and market share of their companies, the number of companies they own and its assumed value, the market value of their companys brand and the impact of their companies on the Nigerian economy.
Despite the challenges involved with starting a business in Nigeria, the successful entrepreneurs listed below held their ground and fought their way to remain at the top.
In a country with a population of over 160 million inhabitants and millions of businesses; these 21 entrepreneurs have diligently carved their names in the sands of time.
See below:
1. Alhaji Aliko Dangote founder of Dangote Group, Richest man in Africa and Richest black man in the world
2. Mike Adenuga Conoil, Equatorial Trust Bank, Globacom
3. Femi Otedola ZENON Oil and Gas
4. Orji Uzor Kalu Slok Group
5. Cosmos Maduka Coscharis Group
6. Jimoh Ibrahim Nicon Insurance, Global Flee
7. Jim Ovia Zenith Bank, Visafone
8. Pascal Dozie MTN Nigeria, Diamond Bank
9. Oba Otudeko Honeywell Group Nigeria
10. Alhaji Sayyu Dantata MRS Group
11. Umaru Abdul Mutallab Former Chairman First Bank Plc, Mutallab Group
12. Prince Samuel Adedoyin Doyin Group
13. Dele Fajemirokun Chaiman Aiico Insurance, Xerox Nigeria, Chicken Republic, Kings Guards etc.
14. Chief Cletus Ibeto Ibeto Group
15. Raymond Dokpesi Daar Communication, AIT,
16. Tony Ezenna Orange Group
17. Chief Molade Okoya Thomas Chairman CFAO Nig and other six french companies
18. Ifeanyi Ubah Capital oil and gas
19. Leo Stan Ekeh Zinox Computer
20. Fola Adeola GTBank
21. Chief Ade Ojo Elizade Motors Nig LTD, Distributor of Toyota cars

17-Year-Old 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl who was shot by the Taliban in 2012 for advocating womens rights to receive an education in her country, has just been announced as the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner but she shares it with another person, Kailash Satyarthi, an Indian childrens rights activist.
He has been active in the Indian movement against child labour. They get $1.1million.

Cheers to them!!!

Manchester United appoint new manager after Mourinho’s sack

Former Manchester United midfielder, Michael Carrick has been appointed to takeover as caretaker boss at the club.