Sunday 29 April 2018

Bill Gates is raising his children according to a 1970s ‘Love and Logic’ formula — here are his top tips for grooming successful kids

Bill Gates says he parents according to a model developed in the 1970s by a former principal, a psychologist, and a psychiatrist.
The "Love and Logic" method minimizes emotional reactivity, and encourages parents to give kids more of their own problems to solve and chances to fail.
Gates says his wife Melinda did most of the parenting for the couples' three children.

Bill Gates doesn't pretend he lives in an egalitarian household. When it comes to parenting his three children, the billionaire Microsoft mogul readily admits his wife Melinda has done more than her share of the work raising the kids.

"My wife does 80%," Gates told a crowd of Harvard students on Thursday. Gates spent two years there taking math and computer science courses as a pre-law student, but never finished up his degree (though he was later gifted an honorary diploma from the Ivy League university).

"My eldest graduates from Stanford in June, so I’m optimistic she won’t fall into my footsteps," Gates joked.

Gates said he and his wife have been quite deliberate about the model they've used to raise their three children, who are now 15, 18, and 22 years old.

He says the couple followed a 1970s "Love and Logic" parenting model. It's a formula that was created by a group of three men — a mix of psychologists, psychiatrists and former school administrators. The core idea of their philosophy is centered on the idea that exerting emotional control, essentially minimizing emotional reactions like shouting or reprimanding kids, is a good formula for parenting.

"One of the greatest benefits of applying Love and Logic is that it helps us learn how to keep a tighter leash on our emotions and on our tongues," co-founder Charles Fay wrote in a blog post about his model.

Gates admits he and his wife haven't been perfect at carrying out the approach.

"Can you get rid of the emotion? You can’t totally do it," he said.

Aside from reining in hot-blooded parent tempers, the love and logic model also stresses the importance of not leaning into rewards for kids, but instead demonstrating unconditional love and admiring kids for who they are, not what they do (or don't) achieve, like a poor test score or a bad grade.

"Many highly successful people struggled with grades as children," Fay wrote on his site. "What’s most important is that our children develop good character, curiosity, and problem-solving skills."

The model is a bit like the Socratic method, in that it pushes parents to focus on asking questions of their kids and getting them to think about how to solve their own problems, instead of feeding them answers.

Gates says the "Love and Logic" method is a far cry from the way he grew up, but he knew he wanted to do things differently with his own kids.

It wasn't the only way he set boundaries for his children while they were growing up. None of his kids owned a cell phone until they were 14 years old. The children also attended Catholic church regularly with their parents. And they will each get about $10 million of their parents fortune as inheritance, a mere fraction of the mogul's roughly $90 billion net worth.

"We want to strike a balance where they have the freedom to do anything, but not a lot of money showered on them so they could go out and do nothing," Gates once told TED.

Source: The Pulse

Saturday 28 April 2018

Viral photo of a 'Zambian prophet' removing a lady's underwear in church

An end time 'Zambian prophet' whose name wasn't given has caused outrage online after he was pictured taking off a lady's underwear in front of his congregation in church.

It's unclear what could have led to this show of shame, but Facebook user, Offwell Sikazwe, who shared the photo to  Zambian Facebook group 'ZNBC Top Stories Online™' wrote: "FAKE PROPHETS PLZ LADIES DONT DO THIS TAKE YO PROBLEMS TO JESUS THAN TO A PROPHETS HAPPY SABBATH”

See his post below.

Source: LIB

Okonjo-Iweala reveals how Babangida, others deceived Jonathan

Former Coordinating Minister of the Economy and Finance, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, has revealed how a former governor of Niger State, Babangida Aliyu and his counterparts ‘wrongly’ advised former President Goodluck Jonathan to announce the withdrawal of fuel subsidy on January 1, 2012.

The announcement caused bloody protests across the country, which forced government to backtrack on the price increase.

In a new book, “Fighting corruption is dangerous: The story behind the headlines”, Okonjo-Iweala recalled how the move was “ill timed and wrong.”

She wrote, “There were some debates within the Economic Management Team as to whether fuel subsidies should be phased out in stages or in one fell swoop. The consensus was that experience in Nigeria had shown that even a small partial phase-out would draw the same large protests as a complete phase-out, so the feeling of the team was, ‘why die in stages?’ Perhaps, it was better to do all at once. There was overwhelming agreement that such an action would require a period of communication and education of the public, to build a larger consensus on the matter. To this end, an important televised public debate was organised in Lagos. The feedback from participants was that the public felt better educated about the benefits and drawbacks of the subsidy. It was clear that the audience felt that there was a lot of fraud in the system.

“The debate took place in early December 2011 and it was agreed that the remaining public debates would take place after the Christmas and the New Year holidays.

“There was a tentative understanding that January to March 2012 would be used for further debates and communication with the public with a tentative implementation of the subsidy phase-out in April 2102.

“On the morning of December 31, I received a shocking call from my friend and colleague, Professor Sylvester Monye, special adviser to the President on Performance Monitoring, telling me he had just heard something strange and was calling to check if I was aware of it. He had run into a senior official from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) who told him that the president was going to announce the phase-out of the fuel subsidy on January 1. I was taken aback. It made no sense in the light of the agreement we had reached to educate the public further before implementation.

“I tried all day December 31 and stayed up all night trying to get the president but I was told by ‘Control’ that he was unable to speak on the phone, even though he was always exceedingly generous in taking my calls.

“One of the most interesting questions in my mind was who had advised the president to make the premature announcement on January 1 about phasing out the subsidy? I wanted to know because I had become the scapegoat for the action.

“It was not until a meeting of the NEC, weeks later, when the issue was under discussion, that Babangida Aliyu, former governor of Niger State and then chair of the Northern Governors’ Forum, bravely acknowledged that it was the governors who had urged the president not to delay any longer but to announce the subsidy phase-out at the beginning of the year. The mystery was solved, but, I found it incredible that none of the governors came to the rescue when the policy roiled the nation and that they were content to let others take the blame.”

Source: Daily post

Gokwe man divorces wife because she is too beautiful…Court mesmerized by her stunning looks

A heartbroken man left the court in stitches after revelations that he no longer wants his wife Hilda Mleya(30) anymore because she is too beautiful.

The incident took place at Chief Chireya’s traditional court in Gokwe North.

Arnold Masuka (40) the complainant made his sensational claims before Chief  Chireya(53) real name Henry Chizvidzo.

It is reported that Masuka was divorcing his wife because of her beauty which was giving him sleepless nights.

The situation had got so bad he was afraid of going to work or leaving her alone as he feared she would be snatched by other men.

The Chief’s clerk Mr Chenjerai Chireya said it was his first time to handle such a case.

Masuka reportedly decided to use the court to separate with his wife after realising that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in Gokwe.

Speaking in Shona he told the court that his wife smiles all the time and he fears this might draw attention from other man.

Asked by reporters if the woman is truly beautiful, Chief Chireya told journalists that he has never seen such a beautifully made creature.

Ruling on the matter, Chief Chireya requested the two families to settle the issue with the couple.

Hilda Mleya left the court and went to her parents’ home without her husband.

Source: ZWNEWS

Friday 27 April 2018

Arsenal and Manchester United fans react to shock Louis van Gaal announcement

Louis van Gaal claims he has an offer he cannot refuse and is in line for a return to management.

Former Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal claims he has been offered a chance to return to management and it’s one he cannot refuse.

The Dutchman was sacked by United shortly after he masterminded the club’s first FA Cup  success in 12 years, paving the way for Jose Mourinho’s appointment.

Van Gaal has since been critical of the way in which he was treated and of his former protege’s methods, particularly with regards to the way in which Bastian Schweinsteiger was exiled.

Though his apparent anti-United and anti-Mourinho agenda would no doubt endear him to Arsenal fans were he to be appointed as Arsene Wenger’s successor, the dour tactics and commitment to sideways passing, which became hallmarks of his Old Trafford reign, would ensure the shortest of honeymoon periods.

‘I have now received an offer that I actually cannot refuse,’ the 66-year-old told Dutch TV channel Ziggo on Tuesday.

‘More than this I do not say, if I am not at work in July or August, I will definitely retire.’

To say the shock revelation has been met with contrasting views from Manchester United and Arsenal fans would be something of an understatement…

Source: Metro news

Thursday 26 April 2018

Top 10 Deadliest Insects In The World

Which species scare you most? Wild animals or insects. Wild animals would be your answer. But, do you know many insect stings can cause many deadly diseases. Without proper treatment, some insect bites may even result in death. Here is the list of 10 most dangerous insects in the world.

10 Bullet Ant

Bullet ant is the largest of all ants in the world. They mostly found in rainforests of Nicaragua and Paraguay. Bullet ants named after their painful sting. After the bite victim would feel like being shot. In fact, the sting by a bullet ant is 30 times more painful than of a wasp or a honey bee.

The one-inch sized bullet ant also called as ’24-hour ant’ by locals. It is because one full day pain followed by its sting. Each bullet ant colonies contain hundreds of members. They usually make a nest at the base of large trees. Bullet ants also release unpleasant odor once they found any predator. If that trick didn’t drive the predators away, they would attack together with the powerful sting.

9 Bot Fly

The larvae of botflies are internal parasites of mammals. Unfortunately, the dangerous larvae also live beneath human’s skin and cause horrible effects. The human bot flies mostly found across Central and South America. ‘Myiasis’ known parasite infestation makes severe changes in skin tissues.

The young female bot flies laid eggs within the skin of mammals. The larvae penetrate through skin and lives in subdermal zones of human skin for more than 60 days. The patients could feel the movement of larvae beneath their skin. Once larvae development gets complete, it leaves out of the body.

8 Fleas

Fleas are external parasites that suck blood from humans, birds, reptiles and wild and domestic animals. The fleas could cause itching spots on the skin of hosts. Fleas only have a size of the tip of a pen and reproduce very quickly. Every female flea lay 2000 eggs within their life span.

There are 2000 known species of flies in the world. Young fleas can consume the volume of blood that over 15 times their body weight. The flea bites on human body result in red bumps. They commonly found around waist, knees, and elbows. The bite of fleas are very itchy, and it may also lead to infection.

7 Fire Ants

There are 285 different species of fire ants in the world. Once disturbed, they would sting the intruder repeatedly. The fire ant sting is very painful also. A white pustule caused by fire ant sting last for weeks. Their venom also would cause several skin problems.  Fire ants usually attack in the group that contains ten to hundreds of ants. The venom of fire ants also result in allergic reaction

6 Kissing Bug

Kissing bugs grow up by sucking the blood of vertebrates. Kissing bugs named after their habit of biting the lip of human while they sleep. They also transmit parasite called as Trypanosoma cruzi. The kissing bug disease or ‘changas’ kills 12000 people every year.

The changa disease spread to animals and pets in the same way. The kissing bug bite results in instant changes within victim’s body such as welts and rashes.

5 Giant Japanese Hornet

Giant Japanese hornet is the largest species of hornet in the world. They grow up to a size of 2 inches. Every year up to 40 deaths are recorded by the sting of Japanese hornet. The venom of Japanese Hornet would cause an allergic reaction and dissolve tissues within the short time. The repeated stinging from the group of Hornets could also result in death.

Japanese hornets are very aggressive and fearless. Each colony of Japanese Hornet contains up to 700 members. They feed on honey bee larvae to a significant amount. They have the power to finish up to 40 honey bees in a minute.

4 Tsetse Flies

TseTse flies is a deadliest biting insect native to Africa. They mainly feed on the blood of vertebrates. The extreme dangerous insects inject potent toxin on each string. It is estimated that about half a million people lost their life by the attack of tsetse flies in Africa. At the primary stage, the venom of tsetse flies would make sleeping sickness on the victim. But it may lead to fatality without proper treatment.

3 Killer Bees

Killer bees also are known as Africanized honey bees. It is one of the very aggressive and dominant insects in the world. The group of killer bees follows the victim for more than 1 miles. They attacked in the group and made repetitive stinging.

The killer bees mainly target the face and eyes of humans. Their toxin is not so dangerous. But an attack by a group of killer bees could cause even death. They live within large colonies that contain more than 80000 members. Once they get disturbed, the bees become alerted for next 24 hours and would attack any animals or humans that come within their range.

2 Driver Ants

Driver ant has the largest colony than any other insects in the world. Each colony of driver ants has members up to 22 million. Even elephants would run away from the group attack of driver ants. They try to finish off any animal that comes across their path.

Driver ants typically kill thousands of different animals within a single raid. They make repetitive wounds on animals and humans using their strong mandibles. Driver ants also raid nests of other insects for food and kill them

1 Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are most dangerous insect species on Earth. This deadliest insect causes 1 million death every year  by transmitting deadly malaria disease. Mosquitoes carry malaria germs from one place to another, and they spread germs into the blood of victim by biting. WHO estimated that in every 30 seconds a child dies due to malaria and 500 million cases of malaria reported every year.

Malaria is a blood transmitting disease. This disease won’t affect by contact with the sick person. It transmitted through parasites, mainly by bites of mosquitoes. In addition to malaria mosquitoes also spreads dengue fever, yellow fever, encephalitis and West Nile virus.

Source: TMW

Wednesday 25 April 2018

UPDATED: Killings: Reps summon Buhari, pass vote of no confidence on service chiefs

The House of Representatives during plenary, Wednesday resolved to summon President Muhammadu Buhari over the spate of killings in Benue State and other parts of the country.

The decision was unanimously adopted by overwhelming majority of members after a Kano lawmaker, Baballe Bashir (APC, Kano) moved for the amendment of a motion moved by Mark Gbilah (APC, Benue).

The House, while adopting a motion by Mr Gbilah on the attack by army personnel on residents of Naka in Gwer-West LGA of Benue State and the inability of the army and other security agencies to quell the crises, the lawmakers also passed a vote of no confidence on the service chiefs and called for their immediate removal.

The House also resolved to suspend its plenary for three days (one week) in solidarity with victims of attacks across the country.

Contributing to the debate, another APC lawmaker from Benue, Dickson Takhigir, alleged that the killers connived with security agencies to perpetrate the act.

“Benue is under siege and if we don’t take the necessary actions, it will amount to abdicating the responsibility of government to protect lives and property of its citizens,” he said.

“It appears there is no moral will to tackle the matter because continuous complaints about the killings seem to fall on deaf ears.”

He said the provision of the law allows self-defence and called on Nigerians ”to do the needful”.

PREMIUM TIMES on Tuesday reported how suspected herdsmen killed about 19 persons including two priests in a church in Ukpor-Mbalom, a community in Gwer West Local Government Area.

Terver Akase, a spokesperson to Governor Samuel Ortom, said the attackers also burnt 50 houses and sacked the entire community.

The Catholic Diocese of Makurdi later confirmed two of its priests, Joseph Gor and Felix Tyolaha, both reverend fathers, were killed in the attack.

The attack came barely a week after the murder of 10 persons by herdsmen in the same area, which has been one of the major scenes of carnage by suspects herdsmen since January 1.

It also comes barely a few days after Nigerian soldiers stormed Naka town in Gwer West Local Government Area of the state and set dozens of houses on fire.

The soldiers said hoodlums in the community killed one of their colleagues. At least one man was burnt to death in the reprisal attack.

In addition to the resolution to summon the president, the House also called on the Federal Government to declare killer herdsmen terrorists, while cattle rearers should be registered.

The invitation of the president is an unprecedented move by the lower chamber of the National Assembly. However the lawmakers have constitutional powers to summon all government appointees.

The House had recently invited the Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo who doubles as the board chairman of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to explain his role in the suspension of six officials as well as other scandals rocking the agency.

The Vice President however sent a representative instead of appearing.

Lawyers recently told PREMIUM TIMES that neither the president nor the vice president is constitutionally exempted from summons.

A lawyer, Simon Ameh, told PREMIUM TIMES that an occupier of the office of the President or Vice President is not exempted from summons by the parliament.

He added that the Constitution gives the legislature power to oversight the Executive, hence the National Assembly has powers to invite ”any occupier of an executive position”.

Another lawyer, Ola Adeosun said the National Assembly is empowered under Section 88 of the Constitution to summon any government official, including the president.

Source: Premium Times


A-THREE-YEAR old baby boy fell into a pit and drowned while his mother was allegedly indulging in se_x inside her boyfriend’s house in Bulawayo.

Police on Monday rescued the couple as Cowdray Park residents were baying for their blood.

An angry mob that was accusing the couple of being irresponsible had gathered around 6pm, demanding “justice.”

Source: Information Nigeria

[BREAKING] Police Arrest Doctor Treating Dino Melaye

Senator Dino Melaye has been handcuffed on his hospital bed by the Nigeria police after he was re-arrested at Zankli hospital, Mabushi in Abuja.

Melaye who was alleged to have jumped off the moving police vehicle en route Lokoja was admitted to Zankli hospital when an ambulance brought him and was wheeled on a stretcher into the emergency ward of the hospital.

A few hours later, over 30 armed policemen led by the Police Force Public Relations Officer, PFPRO, Jimoh Moshood surrounded the premises of the hospital to effect his arrest.

He was later moved to the National hospital where he is recuperating.

According to Independent, the doctor who treated the Senator at the Zankli hospital has been arrested.

The report said that that the doctor claimed that the senator sustained spinal cord injury.

Source: Nigerian monitor

Dino Melaye - Senator hospitalised after jumping out of moving police vehicle

Kogi lawmaker, Senator Dino Melaye, has been rushed to a private hospital in Abuja after sustaining injuries from his attempt to stop police officers from transporting him to Kogi state on Tuesday, April 24, 2018.
The lawmaker had been arrested earlier on Tuesday by operatives of the Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS) in Abuja and was being transported to Kogi when he jumped out of the moving vehicle  which led to the injuries.

According to a report by TheCable, an ambulance brought the lawmaker into Zankli hospital in the Mabushi district of Abuja around 4:25pm, after which he was admitted into the emergency unit.

Source: The Pulse

Monday 23 April 2018

Interviewers Are Not Allowed To Look At Jacob Zuma's New 24-yr-old Wife

According to reports, The interviewers that are interviewing the new 24-year old wife of ex South Africa president "Jacob Zuma" are not allowed to look at the unclad of her, hence they have to look the other way while they interview her.

Source: Nairaland

Former South African president Jacob Zuma, 76 set to take seventh wife, 24-year-old mother of his newborn child

A 24-year-old woman is set to become former president Jacob Zuma’s seventh wife.

Nonkanyiso Conco confirmed to the Times Live that she and Zuma are getting married.

“Yes‚ we are getting married‚ but that is all I can say. I need to consult before I give any interviews‚” she said.

News24 reports that the woman gave birth to a baby last week at the Busamed Hillcrest Private Hospital last Thursday – Zuma’s birthday.

Conco is a director of the Pietermaritzburg-based Nomkhubulwane Culture and Youth Development Organisation‚ aimed at protecting the cultural practices of Zulu maidens.

Conco reportedly resides in the plush Ballito Estate Hilltop‚ home to some of the city’s most well-heeled residents. She would be Zuma’s youngest bride‚ at 52 years his junior.

Zuma‚ who has always been a proponent of polygamy‚ is currently married to Gertrude Sizakele Khumalo‚ Thobeka Madiba-Zuma and Bongi Ngema-Zuma. He is divorced from Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma and separated from Nompumelelo MaNtuli Zuma.

In total, Zuma has fathered 22 known children from at least 11 women.

Three independent sources confirmed to News24 that Zuma came to visit his baby under strict security on Thursday night.

“They had to clear the maternity ward for other patients. Hospital staff made it clear that this was strictly confidential,” a source with direct knowledge of the birth told News24.

Source: Nigerian Hive

Saturday 21 April 2018

Premier League! Details Of Why Wenger Retired From Arsenal Finally Revealed (Must See)

Arsene Wenger was left with little choice but to quit as Arsenal manager, after being told by the club’s hierarchy he would be sacked if he refused to step down.

Wenger announced the decision to his players as news broke on Friday morning.

The 68-year-old who joined Arsenal from Nagoya Grampus Eight in 1996, started by telling them “I have bad news for you – I’m leaving the club at the end of the season.”

Many of the players were left crying, with the players looking at each other and having no idea what to say.

It has emerged that Wenger decided to leave, as he no longer wields complete control over transfer. The club have hired Sven Mislintat from Borussia Dortmund to handle their transfers. And Arsenal want a manager who will fit into their structure, rather than the huge figure of Wenger dominating the club at all levels.

The increasing apathy of the club’s fans is another major reason Wenger why has finally called time on his Arsenal career. There have been lots of empty seats during matches at the Emirates Stadium, leaving the club worried about its image and potential sponsors.

And while the players have faltered on the pitch, the club’s hierarchy also became concerned about a lack of discipline in the camp.

Source: Naijaloaded

Friday 20 April 2018

Alex Iwobi pays tribute to Wenger as he steps down as Arsenal's manager

Arsenal star Alex Iwobi and his teammates were left in tears as Arsene Wenger on Friday, April 20 announced to the squad that he will be stepping down at the end of the season.
Wenger with a statement on Arsenal’s website announced that he will be quitting the club at the end of the season.

Before the news became public, the manager gathered his players at the club's London Colney training base to inform them of his decision.

Source: The Pulse

Arsene Wenger to leave Arsenal football club at the end of the season

Arsenal's long term serving coach, Arsene Wenger has agreed to step down after the season.

Wenger, who has managed Arsenal FC for over 2 decades and is the longest serving coach in the English Premier league outside Sir Alex Ferguson made this call after "careful consideration".

  Arsène Wenger issued the following statement:

“After careful consideration and following discussions with the club, I feel it is the right time for me to step down at the end of the season.

“I am grateful for having had the privilege to serve the club for so many memorable years.

“I managed the club with full commitment and integrity.

“I want to thank the staff, the players, the Directors and the fans who make this club so special.

“I urge our fans to stand behind the team to finish on a high.

“To all the Arsenal lovers take care of the values of the club.

"My love and support for ever.”


Stan Kroenke, the majority shareholder in the club said it was one of the most difficult days in the club. He says Arsene would move on at the end of the season and hopes it's on a high.

Majority owner Stan Kroenke said: “This is one of the most difficult days we have ever had in all our years in sport. One of the main reasons we got involved with Arsenal was because of what Arsène has brought to the club on and off the pitch. His longevity and consistency over such a sustained period at the highest level of the game will never be matched.

“Arsène has unparalleled class and we will always be grateful to him. Everyone who loves Arsenal and everyone who loves football owes him a debt of gratitude. Three Premier League titles, including an entire season unbeaten, seven FA Cup triumphs and 20 successive years in the Champions League is an exceptional record. He has also transformed the identity of our club and of English football with his vision for how the game can be played.

“We have high ambitions to build on Arsène’s remarkable tenure and to honour his vision by ensuring that Arsenal competes for and wins the biggest and most important prizes in the game.

“We must now focus on making a strong finish to the season and ask our millions of fans around the world to join us in paying appropriate tribute to one of the greats of Arsenal’s history and one of the greats of the game.”


Arsène will lead the team to the end of the season and we will make an appointment as soon as possible. The club will not be making any further comment on the selection process until an appointment is made.

Source: Arsenal News.

Attempt To Defend Buhari’s Comments On Nigerian Youths Imbecilic — Lawyer

THE effort of the Presidency to defend President Muhammadu Buhari over his comments on Nigerian Youths has been described as imbecilic.

While answering a question at the Commonwealth Business Forum in London on Wednesday, President Buhari had cause to talk about Nigerian youths.

Mr Buhari had described the youths as illiterates who are lazy and want freebies with the notion that the nation is an oil producing country.

He had said: “We have a very young population; our population is estimated conservatively to be 180 million. More than 60 per cent of the population is below the age of 30. A lot of them have not been to school and they are claiming that Nigeria has been an oil producing country, therefore they should sit and do nothing and get housing, healthcare and education free.”

His comments sparked reactions from the country’s young population who lambasted the president over his comments on them.

Defending Buhari, the Presidency blamed those it called ‘statement twisters‘ as those who manipulated the president’s comments about the youths.

The Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, in a statement denied the president disparaged Nigerian youths, adding that, “Elementary English recognizes a wide gulf between “a lot of” and the word “all.”

Adesina asked, “How can “a lot of them,” suddenly transmogrify to mean “all of them?”

The remarks of the presidential aide did not go down well with a Human Rights Activist, Inibehe Effiong, prompting him to describe the attempt by Adesina to defend his principal as ‘imbecilic.’

Effiong, 29, a legal practitioner who resides in Lagos said the President remarks about Nigerian youths amounts to being irresponsible assertion of deficit in governance skills while describing him as one who has no integrity.

“How many times has Buhari held a media chat since he assumed office? How many interviews has this President granted in Nigeria? How many new books has Buhari read in the last two years?

“What has Buhari done to change the comatose state of our educational system? A President that only regains his voice when he is abroad should not be taken seriously by the citizens.

“You do not constantly malign your country and people before imperial governments. That is not bluntness or being truthful, it is an irresponsible assertion of deficit in governance skills by a man who is paid to lead.

“Buhari has no integrity. People should stop associating Buhari with integrity.

“Under this same Buhari’s “integrity” administration, We’ve seen how children of the political class are getting preferential treatment in recruitment into ‘lucrative’ agencies to the disadvantage of the “lazy Nigerian youths”. Mr. Fake Integrity has not given citizens equal treatment but speaks condescendingly of the poor youths.

“I live and work in Lagos, a state where people barely sleep well because most residents are ceaselessly busy with their work. As early as 4AM, people are struggling to make ends meet. There is just ‘no dull moment’ in Lagos. A vast majority of residents of Lagos are young people. Go to Computer Village in Ikeja and see the determined spirit of Nigerian youths.

“Trying to distinguish “a lot of young Nigerians” from “all young Nigerians” is the most imbecilic attempt to defend the indefensible outbursts of Buhari. This is a country that has become a Destiny Killer to young people, largely because of failed leaders like Buhari.

“Here is a man whose children are feeding fat on the wealth of the long suffering people of Nigeria whose fortunes have been greatly diminished by his unparalleled incompetence and unprecedented nepotism. Buhari has insulted the lifeline of this nation; young people.

“Buhari behaves like a deaf and dumb person whenever he is in Nigeria by speaking in laconic terms but will always become offensively and irritatingly loquacious once he leaves the shores of Nigeria.

“This President is rude, ungrateful and grossly incompetent,” Effiong said.

Source: Nairaland

Thursday 19 April 2018

Atiku Abubakar Reacts To Attack On Senate & Snatched Mace

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar has condemned the invasion of the Senate chamber by hoodlums and the carting away of the Mace – the symbol of authority of the upper chamber.
Reacting to the incident in Abuja on Wednesday, Atiku described the attack as a dangerous precedent and an assault on Nigeria’s democracy by anti-democratic elements.

“I am utterly embarrassed, shocked and outraged by this ugly development because it is not only a threat to a major democratic institution, but also represents a grave danger to the survival of our democracy.”

He said that given the tension in the country, the timing of the attack could not have come at a worse time for Nigeria, and that using illegal and unconstitutional methods to threaten the authority of a key democratic institution is unacceptable, evil, and condemnable.

The former Vice President noted that it is inconceivable that hoodlums could force their way into the Senate chamber and take away the Mace.

“If criminals could commit such security breach with impunity, it means that our entire democracy is in danger”, Atiku added.

He reminded Nigerians that so many people have died in order to bring this democracy about and therefore called for immediate investigation into the incident and the prompt prosecution of those involved.

“It is unacceptable and reprehensible to subject the National Assembly to this intimidation and humiliation. This attack by thugs should not go unpunished no matter who is involved”, he added.

Atiku while likening democratic institutions to the human body said “if one organ is harmed, it affects others.”

He urged those pushing the country’s political temperature to dangerous levels to desist from it as they are playing a Russian roulette with Nigeria’s hard-earned democracy.

He however called for unity, calm and an end to the culture of political disunity that is tearing our dear country apart.

Source: Nairaland

Wednesday 18 April 2018

BREAKING: Thugs invade Nigerian senate plenary, snatch mace [PHOTOS]

Thugs suspected to be loyal to the suspended Senator representing Delta Central Senatorial district, Ovie Omo-Agege have invaded the red chambers and forcefully taken away the mace.

They broke into the chambers when plenary was going on, thereby creating serious confusion and tension.

The operation took Sergeant-At-Arms by surprise who tried to reclaim the mace without success.

It could be recalled that Omo-Agege was suspended last week following his role in the electoral act amendment bill seeking to reorder the election sequence.

This development has, hitherto, thrown the Senate, and the entire National Assembly into uproar and fear of what really happened.

The snatched mace is the symbol of authority and the Senate consequently can no longer legitimately hold plenary.

Discussions right now is being held in groups and hush tones as to what might be the next line of action.

This development happened as the Deputy Senate president, Ike Ekweremadu was presiding over the plenary in the absence of the Senate President, senator Abubakar Bukola Saraki is currently at the World Bank event in the United States.

As at the time of filing this report, the situation is hazy and uncertainty looms large.

Details shortly..

Source – Dailypost

Tech Scientists accidentally discovered a mutant enzyme that could help the world eliminate plastic waste

Scientists have accidentally discovered a mutant enzyme that can fully eat up and decompose common plastic, and could help the world solve the problem of plastic waste.

Researchers in the US and UK examined an existing enzyme which had occurred naturally in landfill sites and was able to slowly digest man-made plastics.

But in the course of testing the enzyme's origins, the researchers made biological changes to it that turbo-charged its ability to digest plastics, according to Britain's University of Portsmouth.

According to The Guardian, the enzyme starts breaking down plastic in a matter of days, a process which would take centuries under normal conditions.

The enzyme is called PETase, because it eats polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the lightweight plastic used in bottled water and soft drinks.

Professor John McGeehan, one of the scientists leading the study, said:

"Serendipity often plays a significant role in fundamental scientific research and our discovery here is no exception.

"Although the improvement is modest, this unanticipated discovery suggests that there is room to further improve these enzymes, moving us closer to a recycling solution for the ever-growing mountain of discarded plastics."

The mutant enzyme is still in its early stages, and the scientists are now working on developing it for use on an industrial scale.

Right now, plastic bottles that are recycled can only be turned into opaque fibres, which can then be used to make clothes or carpets. A more effective method would enable recycled plastic to be put to a far wider variety of uses.

About 8.3 billion tonnes (9.1 billion tons/8,300 billion kg) of plastic has been produced since production began about 70 years ago. Around 6.3 billion tonnes (6.9 billion tons/6,300 billion kg) is waste, the BBC reported.

Source: The Pulse

”My dad burnt my property after I accepted Jesus Christ” Senator Binta Garba

Senator Binta Masi Garba who represents Adamawa North Senatorial District in the Senate, yesterday narrated how her father set all her belongings on fire after she accepted Jesus Christ as her lord and Savior.

At a thanksgiving service to mark her 50th birthday in Adamawa state, Senator Binta said she had always been a Muslim prior to her conversion to Christianity and that her conversion caused a major rift between herself and her father.

 “I gave my life to Christ when I was in primary school. My father was infuriated and he burnt everything I had because of my decision to follow Christ. I suffered so much because of the name of Jesus. I would have been nothing if not for His grace. The rejected child, because of my faith, has become a cornerstone. I give glory to His name.”

Amongst the dignitaries that attended the thanksgiving service include Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, Rotimi Amaechi and others.

Source: Nigerian Hive

Manchester United appoint new manager after Mourinho’s sack

Former Manchester United midfielder, Michael Carrick has been appointed to takeover as caretaker boss at the club.