Friday 13 July 2018

Trump Makes Major Royal Faux Pas While Meeting Queen Elizabeth: What Happened

Donald Trump finally met Queen Elizabeth II after months of grumbling, and it went about as well as you’d expect. Trump made a HUGE royal faux pas! Here’s what happened at Windsor!

As a giant Trump-baby balloon roamed the streets of London, and the city erupted in massive protests, the real Donald Trump visited Windsor Palace on July 13 for his first official meeting with Queen Elizabeth II, along with first lady Melania Trump. The US president has been in Europe for several days, meeting with NATO leaders and arriving in England yesterday for dinner with Prime Minister Theresa May. The trip to Windsor Palace isn’t official state business, however, but rather a casual meeting between heads of state. Well, as casual as you can get when you’re coming face-to-face with the Queen of England.

The Trumps were greeted with traditional pomp and circumstance when they arrived at Windsor, with the queen’s guards marching and playing the US national anthem. The president and first lady greeted the queen with cordial handshakes, which she accepted with a beaming smile. But as they all stood together to listen to the national anthem, her facial expression turned grim….because Trump messed up, big time. Oops!

Trump made a MAJOR faux pas. As they strolled the grounds to make their way inside the castle, he walked in front of the queen — a big no-no. One must always let the queen lead the way. Actually, that’s just polite when interacting with any elderly woman, to be honest. That’s not the only faux pas he made, actually. He kept the queen waiting for 12 minutes at the castle before arriving! Never make the queen wait for you! At least Melania looked gorgeous for the meeting, giving off very Jackie O vibes in a smart, off-white skirt suit. She’s actually guilty of a small faux pas, as well. She didn’t courtesy when she greeted QE2!

Viewers couldn’t contain their horror when they noticed what happened. “Cringing watching Trump inspecting the troops. Walking then stopping straight in front of the Queen causing her to go round him. Walk with her & go at her pace you ill mannered C***!Oh & Scotland doesn’t want u either #TrumpUKVisit,” @ozer_maureen tweeted. “When he met the Queen his pants were all wrinkled and he didn’t button his coat. Melania didn’t curtesy and Trump kept walking in front of the Queen. Their so damn ignorant,” @pegthepassion tweeted. that we think about it, Trump didn’t bow to the queen, either. Not good. Seriously; who didn’t fill him in on royal etiquette before he met the Queen of England?  

Trump gushed about how excited he was to meet the queen in an interview with The Sun beforehand. “She is a tremendous woman,” he said. “I really look forward to meeting her. I think she represents her country so well. If you think of it, for so many years she has represented her country, she has really never made a mistake. You don’t see, like, anything embarrassing. She is just an incredible woman.”

US ambassador to the UK Robert Wood Johnson told Sky News in June that meeting the queen was the highlight of Trump’s trip to the UK. “Putting his foot on British soil, it’s Job 1, it’s very important, very symbolic. … Meeting Her Majesty is the most important thing, because she’s the head of state, and from then on, it’ll be what the president wants to do.”

Queen Elizabeth II, who is now 92, has sat on the throne for 66 years. She has met every US president since since she became queen in 1952, except one: Lyndon B. Johnson. She also met Harry Truman in 1951 when she was still a princess.

~ Hollywood Life

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