Friday 30 March 2018

Your own clock

Time, like an ever rolling stream....

The first and last drops of water would definitely get into the reservoir, but certainly not at the exact same time.

This is a case of slowly, but surely.

I'll tell you a story...

Gladys Burrill is truly one incredible woman. She had been an aircraft pilot, mountain climber, hiker and a horseback rider. But these things are not what she is known for.
She had her first marathon when she was 86 years old. She became famous after completing the Honolulu Marathon  at the age of 92.

Wait, marathon? 92 years old? Yessss!

Though she power-walked and jogged all throughout, she managed to reach the finish line. Even though it took her nine hours and 53 minutes to finish, she is proud of reaching the goal she set.
She was determined to do it, and so she did.
In turn, she was recognized by Guinness World Records and Hawaii House of Representatives for her wonderful story.

"There are enough people in the world who are going to write you off. You don’t need to do that to yourself.” ~ Susan Boyle.

Doubts are surely inevitable, particularly from persons; even from yourself. Your passion to achieve should be stronger than your doubts.

Some people would believe in you; but remember, you are your number one fan.

When your doubts are pulling you down and are convincing you to give up, slap them with truth — they are just doubts and they can vanish if you choose.

Trust your abilities...

Pursue your passion; but let sacrifice be its partner.

Nothing worthwhile comes on a silver platter.

By Sowah Emmanuel

1 comment:

  1. True. Never give up no matter the circumstances that you are faced with


Manchester United appoint new manager after Mourinho’s sack

Former Manchester United midfielder, Michael Carrick has been appointed to takeover as caretaker boss at the club.