Monday 19 February 2018

Pervert grandad claimed he bought child-sized sex doll as 'bed companion' not sex toy

Brian Leach ordered the toy from China but it was intercepted by customs at Stansted Airport.

A pervert who imported a child-sized sex doll so it would fit in his wardrobe when his grandchildren visited his home has been jailed.

Brian Leach ordered the toy online from China using money from a redundancy package, only for it to be intercepted by customs at Stansted Airport.

Police were alerted and when they raided his home in Maidstone, Kent, discovered almost 300 indecent child abuse images.

A court heard the 62-year-old claimed he had no sexual interest in children and simply bought the 'flat-chested' doll as a 'bed companion'.

But jailing him yesterday for 28 weeks, Recorder David Jeremy QC said the doll was ordered to provide Leach 'an outlet' for his arousal from viewing such images.

Describing the purchase of the sex toy as 'complimentary' to the images, he added: "There is an overlap in these offences as the images were designed to provide arousal and the doll was an outlet for that arousal.

"The gravimum of your offence is that the child-like doll you imported was intended to enable you to give effect to the sexual fantasies that the images of children were intended to arouse."

Leach, of Whitmore Street, admitted importation of an indecent or obscene article, as well as three offences of making indecent photographs of children.

These numbered 278 images, many of which were found on his computer hard drive having been deleted.

The court heard they covered all categories of seriousness and depicted girls as young as three to five being subjected to horrific sex acts.

Police raided his home on March 21 last year and when Leach was told the doll, costing more than £500 had been seized three months earlier, he replied he 'wondered' why it had not arrived.

He was arrested and interviewed but prosecutor Trevor Wright told Maidstone Crown Court he was 'vague' as to the reason why he bought it.

"He said he ordered the doll, or child sex toy, to be a companion for him."

He said he did originally want an adult-sized one but that (the child-sized) one would fit in his wardrobe better.

"He said because his grandchildren aged four and five came to stay at weekends he wanted something he could get into his wardrobe and hide."

Mr Wright added that Leach, a former NHS worker, also told police he decided to 'treat himself' with money from his redundancy package.

"He didn't choose any clothing and took time on the website choosing hair and eye colour, and paid over £500 for it.

"He was very vague and couldn't say for what reason he got it. He said it was flat-chested but wouldn't describe it as a child simply for that reason. He said his wife was flat-chested too.

"He denied having it for any sexual purpose and insisted it was simply a companion."

Of the indecent images he downloaded, Leach told police they 'looked pretty' but had deleted most of them as he knew it was wrong.

However, Leach would then go back online and search for more, added the prosecutor.

The court heard that importation of an indecent or obscene article carries a maximum sentence of seven years.

Leach represented himself during the hearing. He said he was lonely and had low self-esteem following his marriage break-up and then moving back to Kent after living in Suffolk for 12 years.

He told the court he ordered the doll when he was drunk.

"I had not properly considered the impact of the size and shape of it, only that it could be stored easily," added Leach.

"I hadn't realised this could be illegal.

"When it didn't arrive I wasn't bothered because when I was sober I had already regretted ordering it and was only annoyed at spending a lot of money on it."

Leach also told the court he had 'stumbled' across child abuse images when browsing legal pornography.

"I should have steered away but stupidly let curiosity get the better of me," he added.

He said that he had since sought help with child-protection charity, the Lucy Faithfull Foundation.

"I feel ashamed and disgusted with myself. My actions have made me feel physically sick when I think of my own family who love and trust me," added Leach.

"I don't want to see any images like this again. I no longer feel desire to look at any pornography at all.

"I wish to keep it this way."

On passing sentence, Recorder Jeremy said he had taken into account Leach's previous good character as well as the tragic deaths of two of his grandchildren

By Julia Roberts...

1 comment:

  1. He needs to be in Jail with indefinite release date


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