Wednesday 28 February 2018

Don't accept anything less than being the reason he wakes up in the morning

Is he or isn’t he? The signs aren't clear. It's driving you crazy. Don't worry.

Here are five ways to tell if he’s your Mr. Right:

1. He professes his love for you and says that you are his.

A man that is worth being with isn’t afraid of telling you how he feels about you. In fact, a man that truly cares for you will happily tell his friends, family, and co-workers you are his girlfriend. After a while of dating, women deserve a title and expect a man to be clear about his intentions. If you find that your guy introduces you as his friend or by name, you may want to question the future of your relationship. Always pay attention to what he does, it will give you insight to his true feelings for you.

2. He protects you.

A man who truly cares for you will make you feel safe and secure. Men are naturally protective and want to protect those around them, both emotionally and physically. Whenever you are in a time of need, he should be by your side, no questions asked.

3. He makes you feel secure in the relationship.

A man who truly loves you will never have you doubting his loyalty. He is fully committed to you and keeps an honest line of communication open with you, so you’re never questioning the relationship or your trust for him.

4. He supports your career.

A man who truly cares for you has your best interest at heart and wants to see you do well professionally. He should be enthusiastic about your career and career goals and reinforce how awesome you are at your job. If advancing in your career takes compromise and sacrifice between the two of you, he should be a team player and help you to achieve what you’re aiming for.

5. He pursues his own passions.

A healthy relationship is made up of two people who have their own goals and dreams. A man who has his own life outside of the relationship is ambitious, a go-getter and most importantly has a plan, is deemed to be a great, lifelong partner. But, if your man doesn’t have any real interests aside from you, this may be a red flag. Every man should have a plan for the next three to five years.

A man’s plan gives you great insight into who he is and who he wants to be; it also helps you figure out where you fit into his plan and if you want to be apart of it for the long-haul. Without a plan, it shows he hasn’t given any thought to what he wants for himself, his life, or for you.

Steve Harvey


Manchester United appoint new manager after Mourinho’s sack

Former Manchester United midfielder, Michael Carrick has been appointed to takeover as caretaker boss at the club.